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  • Who is Best Gymnastics?
    Cindy Perison and Brad Turner own Best Gymnastics. We created Best Gymnastics because we love teaching children the great sport of gymnastics. We understand and have seen firsthand the positive effects of gymnastics on children and teenagers as they become young adults. We not only experienced it as gymnasts ourselves, but have seen the outstanding positive attributes gymnastics created in our own children and in the children we have coached over the last 30 years. Our staff has combined gymnastics experience of over 100 years as athletes and coaches. We have coached gymnasts to over 50 individual and team state championship gymnastics titles, but just as importantly, we have seen many of our former gymnasts progress to college in gymnastics as well as athletes in other sports, and even count a current professional athlete as a former competitive gymnast of ours. Our staff hold many certifications: • Former National Gymnastics Safety Instructor • USA Gymnastics Safety Certification • USA Gymnastics Skill Evaluators • USA Gymnastics Professional Development Program • National Association of Women’s Gymnastics Judges• USA Gymnastics Kinder Accreditation • CPR and First Aid Course Completion • USA Gymnastics Meet Director Certification The most important experience we hold is working with children. Nothing can prepare an individual for working with children better than experience. We’ve managed multiple gymnastics facilities at the same time and have created large gymnastics leagues and teams. We’ve worked at gymnastics facilities both large and small, and we have worked with thousands of children from as young as a few months to young adults preparing for college. We’ve experienced the joys of winning many championships and the pain of comforting a child who lost a family pet. We love being a special part of a child’s life. We love gymnastics.
  • How will gymnastics benefit my child? Isn’t gymnastics only for girls?
    Strength, flexibility, agility, balance, coordination… the list goes on and on. This statement is one of the best summations of the benefits of gymnastics: “Gymnastics is a terrific sport for young people. Many people have grown up in and by gymnastics to become doctors, lawyers, teachers, business people, professors, police officers, nurses, scientists, and many others. Gymnastics provides an outstanding way for young people to test their mettle against themselves and others. Gymnastics can provide opportunities for physical development, character development, and education that are hard to find anywhere else.” – William Sands, Ph.D. Obviously this statement pertains to boys as well as girls. Many boys who began gymnastics at a young age have graduated to excel in other sports like football, basketball, soccer, baseball, swimming, and track and field. More than a few former gymnasts have gone to college on pole vaulting scholarships!
  • What steps does Best Gymnastics take to help keep children safe?
    1. All practices are open and parents are allowed to observe. We have open spectator viewing. Parents are seated inside the gymnastics area, not in a room behind glass. Everything we do is visible to the spectator. 2. Under NO circumstances are Best Gymnastics employees ever allowed to be alone with a child. Best Gymnastics employees are not allowed to transport a child to any event at any time. Best Gymnastics employees are required to have a parent or another coach of the opposite gender present during all private lessons. 3. All full-time coaches are USOC SafeSport trained and certified which trains us to recognize grooming and abusive behavior. In addition, all coaches are Safety Certified. 4. Camera surveillance on the entrances to offices, restrooms, and gym entrance. 5. Background checks are conducted on every employee. 6. We hold in gym trainings to reinforce safety procedures and techniques. 7. A coach may not make up their own discipline policies. When disciplining a child is necessary, the coach must follow our protocol, which is a 3 step process. Step 1: The child is made aware of the offense. Step 2: The child is set out for 5 minutes. Step 3: If step 1 and 2 have not been effective and the behavior happens a third time, the parent is called and may be requested to pick up the child for the day. 8. Children may not wait outside for their ride home after gymnastics. 9. We employ a sign in/out identification system for every event in which the parent isn’t normally present. ​​​​​​​
  • We want to come to the gym, but our schedule is so busy with school and other sports. What can we do other than a class?"
    Some fun events that do not require a monthly commitment are Best Night Out and Best Gymnastics Camp. These events require pre-registration, so sign up early!
  • Isn’t gymnastics expensive and time-consuming?
    It can be, but only if you choose to let it be that way. Our philosophy is to pack in as much gymnastics in as short amount of time as possible. We’re talking about children. They don’t need a full-time job at 7 years old. They need to have fun while learning how to love the sport and develop strong social skills. Too often gymnastics clubs will demand their upper level athletes commit their entire lives to the sport. This is not only foolish, but futile. Much of this training time is wasted and can produce diminishing returns. One day a gymnastics career will end, but you will have your body forever. We want to keep our gymnasts’ bodies in the best shape as possible! We have been very successful with students of all levels by keeping training hours low, but extremely productive, encouraging the best grades in school, and fostering positive social interaction with peers and coaches. These principles also help to keep the financial obligation of the family reasonable.
  • What is the best age to start a child in gymnastics?
    Right now is the best age! We have seen students begin gymnastics in their early teens and go on to have very successful gymnastics careers. It’s also beneficial to place your child in a gymnastics class as early as 14 months. You know your child best and know what he can handle. Many times a gymnastics class is the first interaction a young child will have with an adult other than a family member.
  • What makes you different from other gymnastics clubs?
    Our primary focus is on our students, their parents and family members, and our staff. Our goal is to provide the best and safest gymnastics instruction to our students, unparalleled service to their parents, and to hire, train, and retain the best instructors for your child. We use all of our resources to attain those goals. We base every business decision on those goals. We teach awesome, safe gymnastics. We don’t ‘dabble’ in gymnastics. We don’t teach other sports. Good gymnastics is the foundation for all other sports. On the other hand, we don’t require your child to give up her childhood to become a great gymnast. We want our students to learn great gymnastics, have fun, and to take advantage of all the benefits this great sport has to offer. We have the best coaches. Our coaches and employees endure a tough interview process that involves background checks and multiple interviews. We have an extensive training program that each coach must complete before he or she is allowed the honor of coaching your child. Many of our coaches are former gymnasts, but a great gymnast does not always make the best coach. Our coaches love being around kids and passing on their love of gymnastics to each student. We maintain low student to teacher ratios of 6:1 in our beginner classes. Your child can not have fun and learn good gymnastics if he or she is sitting down. Level 1 classes are the most important classes in which to develop proper habits and our coaches are hands-on fixing body positions and techniques. We also keep our students moving by utilizing circuit training and multiple pieces of apparatus. Did you know we have 6 trampolines? Our coaches all teach the same curriculum. If you have to switch days and times and your child gets a new teacher, she will learn the same skills as her previous class and pick up right where she left off. Students are promoted by merit and skill accomplishment. We track progress. In level 1, you will receive a weekly student record report so you will know what skills your child has accomplished. You can also track these skills online from your family account. In Level 2 and above, students will receive student record reports about every other week as the skills can take longer to master. We are not a daycare. We are an instructional facility that teaches your child gymnastics, a very athletic sport. Even our Best Events focus on some kind of gymnastics. Many gymnastics clubs will use their equipment as a giant playground with no instruction of any kind and very little or poor supervision. This philosophy wastes your money and places your child in a very dangerous situation. We never stop learning. We constantly and continuously train our coaches on not only gymnastics skills and techniques, but child development, discipline, and psychology. We understand how important a coach can be to a child, and we only hire the BEST for your child and train them very well. We don’t charge an annual registration fee. Many clubs will charge you a registration or family fee EVERY year. Not us. You only register with us one time. If you decide to take a break and come back a year or two later, you do not have to pay another registration fee. BEST students are for life.
  • Is my banking information and/or credit card information secure?
    Best Gymnastics is an verified merchant with SafeSave, our payments gateway processor. Our class management software, Jackrabbit Class, which stores your financial data, takes the most secure steps to keep your data safe. Their servers are located in a Tier One state of the art computer facility,, specifically built for supporting Internet servers. This facility was designed for providing high availability to the Internet. The data center is engineered with multiple levels of security, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), redundant HVAC systems, and fire suppression, as well as 24 X 7 monitoring and management. It is our belief that their systems will have a higher uptime than our own computer systems. Security Measures: Biometric (fingerprint access) scanning technology verifies identity for authorized access into the facility. Proximity card access with PIN, in addition to biometric clearance, is required to enter/exit the facility. No open cabinets. All of our steel mesh cabinets are fitted with combination locks. As a result, no keys can be lost or duplicated. Video surveillance cameras are hidden throughout the facility, monitored by our 24×7 Solution Support Center (SSC); tracks and records access throughout the facility. Strategically placed motion/vibration detection devices alert Peak 10 SSC personnel of any forced entry. Redundant, uninterruptible power system and diesel powered back-up generator. Regular testing and maintenance of back-up systems and procedures. These are some of the reasons why we believe your data is extremely safe. We do not store any of your data in our facility nor on any of our computers.
  • I’ve already paid for the month at another gym, but I want to enroll. What can I do?"
    No problem! We’ll credit you the month you’ve already paid at the other gym so you can start now. We don’t punish our customers with notices and lack of session refunds for making a consumer choice. We know you’ll be happy at Best Gymnastics and if for any reason you’re not, you should be free to leave without paying us any extra money for classes you don’t want.
  • Do I get a credit for the holiday closings or if I miss a class?
    We do not give credits for holiday closings just like we do not increase your tuition when you receive 5 classes in a month. Every student is guaranteed 4 classes per month, on average, or 48 classes per year. We do not give credits for missed classes, but you will be eligible for a make-up class if our office is notified of an absence prior to 3pm the day of your child's class. Think of your tuition as leasing a spot in one of our classes. As long as you are current on your tuition, you will not lose your spot if you miss a class, and we will always provide a class, other than major holiday closings.
  • We’re going to be out of town for the whole month of July, but we want to keep our place in class. Can we do that?"
    Sure! Summer is one of the best times for skill training. We highly encourage students to stay enrolled all summer. Many students add additional classes in the summer to take advantage of the free time. However, we know that many families take vacations during the summer. In order to maintain your enrollment, simply enroll in the automatic bank draft or keep a credit card on file, and then you may make-up your classes that you missed during your vacation when you return pending availability. This way, you don’t have to worry about remembering to pay your tuition while on vacation and your spot is reserved. For example, if you are on vacation and miss 2 classes in July, simply book 2 make-ups for the classes you missed. You can come two times a week for two weeks to make up the classes you missed.
  • What happens if we paid for a month but my child was unable to attend?  Can my payment be refunded or rolled over?
    Since your payment is used to ‘hold’ your child’s spot in class, refunds cannot be given for missed classes. Tuition cannot be rolled over to the next month for the same reason, but as long as your student is active, you may make-up any classes that you miss as long as you notify our office in advance of the absence.
  • Do you have a customer referral program?
    Absolutely! We love when our customers tell their friends about Best Gymnastics as it is the highest compliment we can receive. If your friend enrolls in a class, you both receive a $35 credit on your account.
  • What happens if I’m running late to pick up my child from camp or class?
    Just give us a call and let us know! We completely understand that things happen. We will have a coach stay with your child until you arrive. There is a $15 fee for anyone who is 15 minutes late picking up their child from camp or class and a $1 fee for every minute after until you arrive.
  • What are Best Bucks?
    Best Bucks is the Best Gymnastics currency! Bucks are earned during classes as rewards for positive behavior and skill acquisition. Bucks can be used at Best Night Out to purchase items at the Prize Station! Best Bucks never expire and students are encouraged to save them to purchase the items they really want.
  • What do the students do in class and how do I track their progress?
    Every class uses a curriculum developed from over 75 years of gymnastics knowledge as athletes, managers, and parents. Level 1 classes begin with basic gymnastics body positions and skills. With a proper gymnastics foundation, students will learn much quicker as they progress through the levels. All classes begin with a warm-up to raise the core body temperature to prepare for athletic activity. 45 minute classes will progress through 4 10-minute rotations and end with a 5 minute game and fun time. 1 hour classes will progress through a 10-minute warm-up and 3 15-minute rotations and end with a fun game or a conditioning period for more advanced classes. For students enrolled in Best Little Tots, Kids, or Girls or Boys gymnastics, you may track your child’s progress in 2 ways. Every week your child will receive a student record showing you the skills mastered that week in class. For a cumulative list of skills’ progress, you may access your child’s skills records online at any time through your family account. Simply click on the student’s name and select ‘skills’ for a list of completed skills. When your child has mastered all the skills in her level, her instructor will then inform you that she is ready for promotion to the next level. While all students in a class will work on the same skills, students are promoted and taught at their own, individual pace. One student might complete a gymnastics level in a few months whereas another student might take much longer to complete the same level.
  • May my child try a class first before we decide to enroll?
    While we’re confident your child will love her class, you may absolutely try a class before you sign up. Just give us a call and we can set up a free trial class. All we ask is that you let us know after your trial if you’d like to join the class so we don’t hold the spot from another customer.
  • What does my child wear to gymnastics?
    For gymnastics, girls should wear a leotard. We have many styles available for purchase, including ‘biketards’ for younger students. Please do not wear loose shorts as they can interfere with the gymnastics apparatus. Biker/tight fitting shorts are acceptable. Hair should be pulled back into a ponytail if possible. No jewelry should be worn. Boys and tumbling students should wear a t-shirt and a pair of shorts. All students should be barefoot. During colder months, students should wear layers that they can remove once they enter the gym (or shortly after warm-up) and store in the cubby area.
  • How do I know at what level to start my child?
    Nearly all students will begin with level 1. If your child has had previous gymnastics or tumbling experience, you may give us a call at 972-832-1059 to schedule a free evaluation for class placement.
  • My daughter is 7 and wants to be a cheerleader when she gets older. In which class should she enroll: gymnastics or tumbling?
    Gymnastics classes will focus on all four Olympic apparatus: vault, uneven bars, balance beam, and floor exercise as well as a trampoline rotation. Tumbling classes will focus on tumbling only, using the trampoline, tumble tramp, rod floor, and regular floor. Either class will develop athleticism, but if you and she are looking to increase her tumbling ability for cheerleading in the future, you would want to enroll in a tumbling class as they will learn more quickly focusing on just one skill set. However, many students will enroll in one gymnastics and one tumbling class to sample both classes and see which discipline they more enjoy. Not only do these classes complement each other, but you can switch at any time between programs.
  • How much does a gymnastics class cost and how do I pay?
    Our tuition system is very simple. We charge a one-time registration fee of $40 per child ($35 for VIP), not to exceed $85 per family ($75 for VIP). For example, 2 children would be $80; 3 or more children would only be $85. Your third child is basically free! This is not an annual fee. You never pay it again. Ever. A 45 minute class, once a week, costs $89 per month ($85 for VIP members) and a 1 hour class, once a week, costs $99 per month ($95 for VIP members). There is a discounted rate for additional hours for the same child and there is a sibling discount of 10% per month on the siblings’ tuition. Please see our tuition page for more information. We do not have ‘sessions’. You pay for class each month and there is no commitment to stay enrolled. If for any reason you decide to discontinue class, simply let us know, and we will remove your child from the class. When you decide to come back, we’ll find a class that is open and you may begin whenever you like. You do not have to pay another registration fee. While we make this transition very simple, we encourage all students to stay enrolled and attend class regularly in order to progress in their gymnastics career. Lots of breaks and absences can interrupt training and motivation and can slow down progress. Tuition is due on the 23rd of each month for next month’s classes. If you sign up for auto draft with a credit card or bank account, you will be charged on the 25th of each month. All members signed up for auto draft with a bank account are considered “VIP” members, and will receive 1 free Camp Day renewed annually, 20% off merchandise, discounted rates on class tuition and events, and exclusive VIP flash sales and promotions (VIP credits cannot be used at alternate gyms). We do not charge late fees. Students with a balance on the 8th of the month will be removed from class until that balance is paid. Take advantage of the auto bank draft or keep a credit card on file with us, and you’re guaranteed to never lose your place in your class.
  • How do I enroll in a class?
    There are 2 ways you can enroll in a class. You may enroll online through our parent portal. If you are not currently registered, take a moment to register and you may enroll from the registration page. It’s very easy. Your tuition will not be drafted from your account until your enrollment is confirmed by a Best Representative. Many of your enrollment questions can be answered from this page, but if you’d prefer to speak to a Best Representative, please call us at 972-832-1059 for assistance.
  • What happens if I miss a class?
    If you are going to miss a class, simply call us before 3pm the day of your scheduled class to be eligible for a make-up. You can schedule a make-up class in another class with an open spot. These makeups expire after 6 months from the missed date.
  • How much does it cost to change classes?
    There is no charge to change classes. Either make the change online (space permitting), at the front desk, or give us a call.
  • How many parties and other activities are going on during my party?
    None! When you book a party with Best Gymnastics, you are the only party or activity in the gym. It’s all yours!
  • What is included in my party price?
    We provide all the entertainment and hosting duties for the entire time you are here. We want you to enjoy your child’s party, not work it. We’ll play fun games and have a blast in the gym for the first hour, then you have 30 minutes to eat and open presents. If you chose to not open presents at the gym, then you can use your remaining time to return to the gym for more fun! You will provide whatever food and eating utensils you want for your guests. Most people simply bring a cake, cookie cake, or cupcakes, but some provide finger foods for parents or for parties later in the evening, pizza. You will also want to bring any decorations that might go to a theme that you want – tablecloths, napkins, theme balloons, and/or goodie bags. Since the party is for your child, we want it to have your own flavor. We’ve created a birthday party checklist of some items you might want to bring to your party.
  • Do I get to jump on the trampolines and play in the pit during my child’s party?
    No. Our parties are for your children and their friends and in order to keep all guests safe, we ask that parents stay off all the gymnastics equipment. You may feel free to take pictures and enjoy the time with your child, but please respect our coaches requests to stay off the equipment.
  • Is Gymnastics Camp or Best Night Out the same as a gymnastics class?
    None of our Best Events are the same as a gymnastics class. While they are extremely fun and skills can be practiced, nothing can replace the instruction from a coach you receive in a class. Best Events should be used as a supplement to a class and a time to have lots of FUN with friends!
  • What will my child do during gymnastics camp?
    He or she will have a fun time! Camp is full of games, pit time, open gym, creativity, and most of all, gymnastics. Students will be divided into age appropriate groups and will rotate to different events in the gym. We keep the rotations relatively short to keep the students moving and having lots of fun. All students will need to pack two snacks and a lunch.
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